Normally, cats are excellent in etiquette behavior as you are already aware. However, you may notice an unusual change in your cat’s behavior. What causes such behavior? Let you know if your cat is constantly scratching their skin, wincing, or rubbing their skin against rough surfaces. The only reason is that fleas inhabit the cat. Check our article on Advantage 2 for cats reviews and know about it’s ingredients for small and large cats. Is it good product to use?
MyBestCatFood‘s Team read thousands of customers reviews, feedback and use it own after we publishing this article. check our analyzed report for small and large cat owner that want to apply Advantage flea treatment.
To encounter such a situation and for the cat’s safety, there is an effective product to remove the fleas and ticks. Normally, it is not possible to remove fleas. So advantage 2 for cats is introduced for flea treatment.
What if we leave the cat in this situation? Is it really okay to ignore cats with fleas? Fleas’ inhabitant to the cats pose threat to the life of a cat and around living beings around those cats. Firstly, your cat will experience a lot of pain because fleas and ticks feed on the cat’s blood. Also, fleas cause anemia in the cat and internal infections.
Moreover, fleas multiple fast and may spread to the entire household since cats will scratch themselves all over the place. Eliminating and preventing such causes must be done using an effective product. Therefore, we have covered a comprehensive article for our readers about the Advantage 2 for cats.
About Advantage 2
Advantage 2 was introduced by Bayer 150 years ago and is known for its medical treatment products for pets. Advantage 2 had acquired its name as a leading brand in the healthcare industry for 150 years.
Also, Bayer manufactures advantage 2 and now it is the best cat flea treatment on the market. Advantage 2 is a veterinarian-recommended flea treatment for pets. Advantage 2 target fleas, flea larvae, and flea eggs and kill them through contact. It is designed in such a way to make it easy to apply directly through contact which lasts a month.
Detailed Advantage 2 For Cats Reviews
Advantage 2 for cats is one of the best treatments to control fleas that never makes you feel regret. Also, vets recommend it to get good results for your cat’s health. This cat flea treatment is manufactured in two forms, that in one for small cats and another for big cats.
We have covered a whole comprehensive review of these products. We did analyze many factors to know whether it is effective or not. There you can find how easy it is to apply, safety assurance, price discussion. In the end, we extract the advantages and disadvantages of each cat flea treatment product. Let’s not wait for anymore and move to the reviews.
Bayer Advantage 2 For Small Cats Review

Advantage 2 product is designed for small cats especially if your cat weighs around 5 to 9 pounds. Accordingly, it contains the ingredients that are applicable for small cats’ skin. Also, it kills the fleas when it comes in contact with fleas and cures the skin if it is injured with bites.
Actually, How does Advantage 2 for cats work? An active ingredient called imidacloprid is present in Advantage 2. This ingredient is fatal to fleas’ life and fleas get killed when they come in contact. On applying Advantage 2 on the cat’s skin, it gets absorbed into the fatty layers. Hence it ends the cycle of fleas by killing all developing fleas including eggs.
So, how long advantage 2 is effective? Advantage 2 takes time to absorb in fatty layers and starts working after 12 hours after applying the product once. The effect of Advantage 2 stays for one month.
One thing that is great about advantage 2 is that you don’t even need to be an expert to apply this. Also, you don’t need any help from the experts. It comes in the form of a topical liquid making it easy to apply. You just need to spread it drop by drop thoroughly over the cats’ body.
Can Advantage 2 make my cat sick? Advantage 2 is formulated with safe ingredients and is tested before manufacturing. However, if there are any unusual changes on the pet, call your near vet.
The product is really budget-friendly. However, prices may depend on where you purchase it. We suggest buying it from only trusted brands. It really delivers value for the money. There is no way you will regret it after purchasing it.
- Highly effective on fleas.
- Easy to handle
- Water-resistant
- No fragrance after applying.
- Value for money
- Safe for cats
- Be ready for unusual behavior
- Takes time to dry
Bayer Advantage 2 For Big Cats Review

If your cat is big enough and weighs more than 9 pounds, then it is a better choice than before. It eliminates more than 95% of fleas within 12 hours after applying it. The product is water-resistant and stays effective for 28 days. In 20 minutes after applying, it terminates the reproduction cycle of the fleas.
Advantage 2 for big cats also kills fleas when they come in contact with it. Same as before one, it also contains active ingredients called Imidacloprid but it is more concentrated. It works faster than before one. The signs which make it effective can be seen within two hours.
This product also comes in topical liquid form and is sold in a beautifully designed tube. So that it becomes easy to apply. Just need to apply a drop on the skin where the cat is itching more.
It is meat for pets when formulated. So you can be assured of its safety for its use. Just follow the guidelines recommended for it. However, call your vet if you notice any strange signs after applying it. Also, it is safe to use on cats if your kids play with cats. But, make sure to keep the product away from kids.
The product is affordable at reasonable prices. Also, it provides value for money and effective results.
- Especially designed for large cats
- Safety assured
- Water-proof
- No fragrance at all.
- Really works faster.
- Easy application
- Highly concentrated active ingredient
- Not for sensitive skin
Advantage 2 Side Effects
Every medical treatment has its side effects after its usage. No medical treatment is perfect. To prevent side effects, there are cautions that have to be considered while using any medication. Advantage 2 is restricted to only those cats who are 8 weeks older. Also, don’t make use of it on cats weighing less than 2 Pounds.
However, rarely, there may be side effects. Signs of side effects include skin irritation such as scratching, redness, and other discomforts. Gastrointestinal signs may be another signal of side effects such as hypersalivation, diarrhea, or vomiting. However, there are any unusual changes, immediately visit a vet for further treatment.
Is Advantage 2 Treatment Safe for Cats?
Advantage 2 fleas treatment for cats is made with tested ingredients. Advantage 2 for cats kills fleas quickly within 12 hours and provides immediate comfort. Since this product is waterproof hence no further wrong reaction of this treatment on the cat’s skin. Also, it remains effective even after doing shampoo and exposure to rain and sunlight.
However, Advantage 2 for cats can be dangerous if the cat swallows. On swallowing it, ingestion can lead to adverse effects. Also, advantage 2 can cause eye irritation. Therefore, keep caution while using advantage 2 for cats. Use soap to wash hands properly and keep them out of reach of kids. Also, make sure to keep away from the food area. Immediately call or visit a vet or doctor if anything happens by accident.
Advantage 2 Price and Rating
Advantage 2 really stands to its value for flea treatment. This product not only kills the fleas residing on cats, but also terminates the reproduction of cycles of fleas including fleas larvae and eggs.
One single application of Advantage 2 has an effect for up to one month without any side effects. Also, cats feel comfort after applying it on them. One best thing is that it does not expire according to the EPA.
With these many values, advantage 2 for cats must be so expensive. But, it is budget-friendly compared to its functions. Advantage 2 for large cats costs only up to $25 for 2-month doses. This amount is nothing in front of your cat’s health.
Advantage 2 for Cats Customer Experience
The best part of Advantage 2 for cats is that it has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews with 5 stars. Customers had already mentioned their happiness through reviews and recommended other cat owners as well. We found there are a total of 50k reviews on amazon for this product. However, a few of them are not satisfied. Let’s look at some of the reviews to feel them.
My indoor cat had fleas badly. She was laying around miserably, tearing huge clumps of her hair out, and having a really hard time. I did try one spot treatment but it was not useful and made her sick. I was afraid to use another treatment, but after reading the reviews, I bought one tube of it. Guess what it worked. But my cat hates the spot being applied. Also, his hair grew back. This stuff works.
My complaint is not with the product, but with the seller. I have been using it for many years with good results and no problem. However, the recently received batch is bad. These silver packages held the vials and arrived flat and opened way too easily. This batch is not working and has burned my cat’s neck and caused hair fall. I am not happy and would like a refund.
Advantage 2 vs Frontline – which is better?
Advantage 2 and frontline are both popular brands for fleas medical treatment. Both are used in the same way to control and prevent the flea’s growth. So which one should we purchase – Advantage 2 or Frontline for cats?
The ingredients used in both of the flea’s treatments are different. Advantage 2 for cats make use of Imidacloprid and Pyriproxifen as the key ingredient whereas Frontline for cats includes Methoprene and Fipronil as the active components to kill fleas. Ingredients used in both products are effective in their ways to terminate the growth of fleas, but Imidacloprid is better.
Plus, Both items include strong insect growth regulators to better protect. While advantage 2 for cats works against only fleas whereas frontline protects from the fleas, ticks, lice, and sarcoptic mange. So we would suggest you go for advantage 2 if your cat is exposed to only fleas. Otherwise the frontline is not a bad option. Advantage 2 is also cheaper than frontline. However, there are some cases of skin irritation while using the frontline.
Is there a prescription needed for Advantage 2?
It is better to use any medication treatment on your pet when it is recommended by your vet for safety assurance. Also, your vet is helpful to decide which brand is best for your pet’s health. However, Advantage 2 for cats is one of the most common topical flea medications for which you do not need a prescription. You can simply order it online and it is easy to apply.
What if the cat licks off the advantage 2?
If the cat licks off the advantage 2 immediately after applying, its bitter taste can cause your cat to salivate, foam at the mouth. Your cat may start vomiting or become nauseous. Also, your cat may start running around the house. Don’t let your cat swallow it, it can be toxic for the cat’s health.
To sum up, Advantage 2 for cats is a very effective medication against the fleas residing on the cats. The ingredients used in Advantage 2 are extremely toxic. If your cat is suffering from any irritation due to fleas, advantage 2 is the best choice. Also, advantage 2 for cats is safe to use and causes no serious side effects.
Since no prescription is needed for it, we recommend talking to the vet before using it. Hope this article is helpful and comprehensive to our readers. Also, share this informative article with your mates.