Hedgehogs are the most lovely exotic pet you will ever have. They are not only cute, but they are also easy to care for. Also, hedgehogs enjoy their own company, which means that you can keep them as pets even if you can’t spend a lot of time with them. However, feeding them will be a genuine struggle. Now the question is, “Can you give dry and wet cat food to hedgehogs?”, “Is cat food good for hedgehogs?”. Let’s talk about this.
Now the question arises, what will our little friends eat? And Can hedgehogs eat cat food? Is cat food suitable for hedgehogs?
The short answer is yes, and hedgehogs can eat cat food. As long as the food is not spoiled or has gone wrong, hedgehogs should have no problem eating it.
Hedgehogs are insectivores that usually feed on crickets, worms, and other small insects. They may also eat mice if they find them.
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Can Hedgehogs Eat Dry Cat Food?

If you still thought about this question, hedgehogs can eat dry cat food as a bit of part of their diet. And many veterinary outlets promote dry cat food for hedgehogs as an excellent quality protein source.
Well, a good quality dry cat food usually is high in protein and fiber. Moreover, the food’s dry and tough nature helps them keep their teeth strong and clean.
Hedgehogs are insectivores, and hence, in the wild, their diet is based on a range of different insects and spiders, small birds, frogs, and earthworms. Their diet also includes snails and worms, which they can find in leaf litter or under stones. Hedgehogs can eat mealworms, crickets, butter worms, silkworms, and wax worms.
Hedgehogs are also nocturnal animals, so this is why they need a lot of food at night. Hedgehog food can be a variety of foods, but they all have a few things in common: they should be high in protein and low in fat. The best way to provide hedgehogs with these nutrients is to buy a specialized hedgehog food that contains the proper nutrition.
Hedgehogs are tiny animals that are not able to eat cat food. This is because they have particular dietary needs, including the need to eat insects.
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Nutritional Requirement of Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are typically insectivores, but their diet can vary greatly depending on the environment they live in.
Some hedgehogs need a diet that is high in fat content. Other hedgehogs need a high protein diet. Some hedgehog owners feed them a mix of both proteins and fats to make sure their pet has a well-balanced diet.
Hedgehogs typically eat around nighttime. As pets, hedgehogs should only be given top-notch hedgehog food. Modest quantities of gut-stacked insects, for example, worms and crickets, and a modest quantity of fresh vegetables and fruits, can also be given.
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Generally speaking, hedgehogs don’t need treats, although sometimes you can give them fresh veggies, fruits, and grains. Hedgehogs ought not to be fed raw meat or eggs. Hedgehogs can’t process milk, which might prompt the runs.
Try not to offer nuts, seeds, or complex food varieties like a wild carrot as they might get stuck in the top of the mouth (particularly nut parts). Try not to offer any “human food” without checking with your veterinarian first.
Water should be accessible 24 hours per day for your hedgehog friends. Most owners decide to offer water through a sipper bottle hung in the enclosure.
On the off chance of using a sipper bottle, take care that your hedgehog will drink from it. Check it at whatever point you change the water (every day) to ensure the sipper tube has not become obstructed with food. Clean all food bowls and water sippers entirely with a cleanser and water, and wash well each day.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Kitten Food?
We should take a minute to think about the question that might’ve annoyed each hog pet owner at some point: “Can you give dry and wet cat food to hedgehogs?”
The response to this question is straightforward. Our sharp little friends are alluded to as “exotic pets” for a valid reason. They were not forever individuals’ ideal choice for a pet. Indeed, these little cuties were rarely kept as pets in families or two until the late twentieth century. It was solely after 1991 that hedgehogs became famous as exotic pets.
These little men likewise eat fruits and veggies, but that is only sometimes. With all that being said, they are crafty feeders that could never turn down any food presented to them. Subsequently, if you feed your hedgie cat food, they will probably eat it enthusiastically.
Dry and wet feline food can be presented to your hedgehog. A chicken or meat dry feline food might accompany high protein to keep your hedgehog dynamic and solid. This can indeed be a prescribed choice to be an essential part of your hedgehog diet. Then again, wet cat food can also be suggested.
Conclusion – Is Cat Food Bad For Hedgehogs?
Feed your hedgehog a quality, dry hedgehog food with somewhere around 20% protein and fiber content with twofold digits as the staple food. Likewise, you ought to ensure the food has L-carnitine recorded as an element for heart well-being or supplement the eating regimen with a limited quantity (ask your exotics vet how much, but generally, a hedgehog needs around 50 mg daily for treatment of cardiomyopathy).
Numerous zoos, colleges, parks, and exhibition halls feed Exotic Nutrition’s Hedgehog Complete Food. Notwithstanding this food, you should offer live creepy crawlies, cooked chicken, vegetables, and organic products. A small measure of canned feline food can be presented as a treat. Avoid seeds, raisins, and dried soil products (they stall out in their mouths).
If you can’t organize your hedgehog’s food on the web and your nearby pet store doesn’t convey a quality hedgehog kibble, then, at that point, the following best thing is to take care of an all-encompassing or top-notch chicken feline food with a bit of kibble. Recollect that this isn’t the best food since there is no blood feast or chitin like hedgehog food contains. In doing so, your hedgehog’s dietary necessities ought to be covered.
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