Tender and True is an independent company that makes pet foods for cats and dogs. The company first certified USDA organic and antibiotic-free foods for cats and dogs in October 2014. Tender and True pet food brand claim that they are better from the beginning and aim to make high-quality food for meals for cats and dogs. All of this, Is Tender and True pet food recalled? 

According to MyBestCatFood, the company manufactured its dog and cat foods in the united states and is approved by AAFCO. There is no recall on Tender and True cat food and dog foods. 

Is Tender & True Cat Food Safe?

The company creates trust with its customers and pet owners who safely buy its cat recipes because there has been no recall on Tender and True cat food until now. 

Their recipes are made with natural ingredients such as fish, chicken, turkey, and salmon, which is best for your cats. Tender & True made many recipes in dry and wet flavors. All taste different from carnivorous cats. Compared to dry cat foods, Tender & True wet foods are most popular among cats.  

It’s optional for cats to buy canned and dry recipes because most cats like to eat canned or wet. The brand provides premium recipes in canned made from chicken, turkey, salmon, and whitefish. The company sourced all cat food ingredients from the U.S.

Is Tender & True Dog Food Good? 

We believe that Tender and True treats for dogs are tasty and different from other brands. Pork jerky, beef jerky, and humanly chicken jerky are particular for dogs to eat. 

There is no information about the recall from any pet organization and Tender & True brand. The company made natural foods for dogs that are easily digestible and healthy. Tender and True pet food has never been recalled before, and they gained their customer’s trust by providing some extra flavors and healthy recipes. 

What types of cat food have been recalled?

There were many causes why cat food was recalled. FDA, AVMA, and other reliable sources of an organization find contamination in pet foods. MyBestCatFood is always up to date with these resources and aims to provide the best information to our family. 

We will update this article if there is any recall on Tender and True pet foods. You can stay up to date with MYBESTCATFOOD

Where to buy Tender and True? 

Tender & True cat food and dog food are available on Amazon and Chewy, where you quickly get it. Otherwise, you can purchase their food at tenderandtruepet local stores. 
