can cats get mange

can cats get mange

Mange is a skin problem that affects cats

Mange is a skin problem that affects cats

There are a variety of mange mites. These are tiny arachnids that delve into the top layer of skin, causing discomfort to the patient. Adult mites may lay eggs beneath the skin.

Many cat owners are concerned about mange due to their cat scratching itself more often than normal. Mites are uncomfortable and itchy and your cat is likely to try anything to get relief.

If you suspect that your cat is suffering from mange, you should visit the vet to be diagnosed and treated.

The vet will collect skin scrapings from the area affected and then examine the scrapings under a microscope to determine signs of mange mites.

There are several treatments for mange in cats, including some that are commonly used for preventing fleas and heartworm.

If your cat suffers from mange, ensure that you follow the advice of your veterinarian for treatment and follow-up treatment.