When Will The Cat Food Shortage End

When Will The Cat Food Shortage End? What You Need to Know

When will the cat food shortage end? The pandemic has had an everlasting impact on humankind. Although we are over that phase, its consequences are still haunting us. It has disrupted supply chains and demand patterns in the market. During the pandemic, many businesses had to incur huge losses because of less demand. 

As a result, these businesses were shut down. Now that everything’s back on track and demand is usual, the absence of all these businesses is causing supply deficiencies. Similar is the case with cat food. During the lockdown, when everything was shut down, there was a decline in the demand for cat food. Due to this, many manufacturing units of ingredients, packaging materials, and shipping chains were shut down. 

Even after the pandemic ends and things have started operating normally, these units have not started back to regular functioning. As a result, even two years after the pandemic, we still face a pet food shortage

Is there any Healthy Cat Food in the Supermarkets?

When you go to your nearby supermarket, you will realize that the pet food you want is either absent or available in very little quantity. It’s always on a first come, first served basis as they have limited stocks. 

As a result, pet owners and veterinary hospitals have to look for alternatives to pet food. The shortage is not limited to any particular kind of pet food. All kinds of pet food, including dog food, cat food, fish food, and a lot more, are running low in stocks. The problem is mutual among all of these items. 

Packaging material is not available and requires quantity. Also, there is less availability of the ingredients required. Now in 2022, there will be more pets than before. It is because, during the pandemic, people were alone in their homes and felt isolated. Many people adopted pets to wave away their isolation and sadness. That is why there is an increase in demand for pet food now.

Why is There a Shortage of Dry Cat Food?

When Will The Cat Food Shortage End

Cat owners around the world very commonly use dry cat food. This is because dry cat food has a longer shelf life and is much cleaner. It doesn’t make a lot of mess while being fed to the cat. It is also travel-friendly and can be packed without the fear of leakage. 

Dry cat food has a low moisture percentage. It is made up of 90% of dry ingredients and has only 10% of moisture. Dry cat food is made up of a lot of nutrients and vitamins. It is also mineral rich. It is also rich in fat. These things are combined at high pressure to make dry cat food. Dry cat food also has more carbohydrates than other canned products. Dry cat food is also less expensive than wet cat food and other canned products available for your cat in the supermarket. 

There are also many feeding toys in the market for your care. These feeding toys only take dry cat food. Some people say that dry cat food causes obesity in cats. Researchers have also shown that dry cat food does promote obesity among cats. Recently there has been a shortage of dry cat food in the supermarket

What Experts Say About Shortage of Dry Cat Foods

Experts have said that dry cat food has a higher production cost. The profit margin for these products is significantly less as decided by the government. This is why many people are stepping down from cat food manufacturing businesses. Others have suggested this because the supply chain was not streamlined after the pandemic. Inflation is another factor in the shortage of cat food. 

There was a low production of cat food during the pandemic. Now cat food manufacturers cannot meet the market’s demand. Packaging is essential in cat food because it deals with food preservation. If the cat food is not preserved correctly, it may be too dangerous for the cats to consume. The food may even cause some severe health issues. This will ruin the image of the brand.

Why is There a Shortage of Wet Cat Food?

The preservation of wet cat food is a tedious process. The packaging is done through machines and cannot be done by human hands. A lot of pressure is applied to the cans to select and preserve them for longer. The cans are made from aluminum. There has been reported a shortage of aluminum and the cat food industry. 

The manufacturers are not getting enough aluminum to make cans for food storage. This is why not enough wet cat food is available in the market. Generally, wet cat food consists of meat or non-vegetarian eatable stuff. Right now, aluminum cans are in great demand because of their use in every industry. 

They are also great in terms of marketing. All the branding is prominent and comes out evidently on aluminum cans. Also, aluminum is cheap and easily transportable, so mobility has no problem. 

Is Wet Cat Food Shortage Bad Time For Cats?

Besides the cat food industry, there is a demand for aluminum cans in the alcohol industry. This is why aluminum consistently remains in deficit. Because of such pressure and high demand in the aluminum industry, production has dwindled a bit. It may take some time for aluminum producers to come back on track. Increasing the units all of a sudden is not possible for everyone. 

This is why it is essential to give them some time to sort out this problem of shortage on their own. Additionally, the preservatives used in wet cat food are also not available in the desired quantity. Wet food requires a lot of preservation because it goes bad very quickly. Unlike dry food, it must be handled with care, and many precautions must be taken.

Pet Food Shortage in the US

After the pandemic, the United States of America saw a massive inclination in the adoption of cats. The trend has remained pertinent among Americans now that the pandemic has gone. This means that Americans are still choosing cats over other pets. This is because cats are smaller and easily domesticable. 

Now that so many people have cats in the USA, the demand for cat food is also high there. Most of the cat food in the US is imported and not made in the country itself. By now, you would have understood that the world is facing a mutual shortage of cat food. Being an importer and not an exporter puts the US on the weaker side. 

Every exporting country will first look after its own needs and then supply abroad. The dependency of the US on other countries has led to an acute shortage of cat food across all its states. All those manufacturers of cat food that do native production cannot look after the needs of the market demands. 

The ingredients needed for cat food, like vitamins and minerals, are also low in supply. In conclusion, two possible resorts, self-production and importing, are not fully functional.

Pet Food Shortage in the UK

The United Kingdom is also facing a shortage of cat food. The shortage is not only a consequence of a regular supply chain and a deficiency of raw ingredients—political concerns and also associated with this shortage. Upon the separation of Britain from Europe, also called Brexit, there were a lot of consequences for the UK. There was an increase in the price of energy fuels and a labor shortage. 

A lot of import and export was also affected. Due to labor shortages in the UK, many production houses faced related issues. Production of cat food was affected during this point in time. As Britain also had complicated relations with its neighboring countries, importing was not easy. Pet food manufacturers warned the government before the decision to Brexit was taken. But the government remained intact on its decision. 

Now there is a shortage of cat food across the old United Kingdom. The government is working hard to overcome demand and solve supply chain issues. Along with a shortage of ingredients, there is also a shortage of packaging materials like plastic bags and aluminum cans. 

Many supermarkets like Sainsbury’s, Tesco, and Morrisons have complained about the shortage of cat food. In 2020, there was a rise in the pet population by 3.2 million. All of these pet adoptions resulted from the lockdown during the pandemic. Pet owners must look after their pets and provide them with a good diet. High demand, along with less supply of essential ingredients, has led to the aggravation of this problem. The government and manufacturers have ensured the common public solved the problem in several months.

Pet Food Shortage in Canada

Cat food shortage in Canada can be attributed to a shortage in the production of meat in this country. Cats are primarily non-vegetarians which is why most cat food is also non-vegetarian. 

Canned food mainly consists of meat of different kinds. Canada has been facing a problem of shortage in meat because of high demand among the public. As human beings eat more meat, there has been a decrease in the animal meat supply. Like the USA and UK, there has been a rise in pet adoption in Canada as well. 

The demand for cat food is now more than the usual demand. Like other countries, Canada is also going through a rough time trying to meet the demands of the public. It is predicted that the manufacturers will soon consider the problem. The government will likely take some steps to help the common public.

Alternatives To Cat Food During Shortage

Now that cat food is not readily available worldwide, and we should look for alternative options. We can make fresh cat food at our home that is also deprived of preservatives. This is healthier for our cats and will save us money, as we know cats are innately carnivores. 

So their love for meat is quite evident. You can feed them fresh meat cooked at home with very few spices. Try to only sprinkle some salt in significantly less quantity on top of the meat. Make sure that you don’t cook the meat in too much oil. Do very mindful cooking because your cat doesn’t care what spices you add to the meat. Another good substitute for your cat is whole grains. 

Whole grains like Barley, brown rice, and corn are nutritious for your cat. Whole wheat breadcrumbs are also very enjoyable for cats. Seafood is another enjoyable option for cats. Fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel are also nutritious for students. They are suitable for the heart, eyesight, and kidney and prevent many diseases. 

Ensure you cook the fish well before making your cat eat it. Anyways canned food is not that good for cats as it is full of sodium. Eggs are also a rich source of protein. They are also budget-friendly and a healthy alternative to protein biscuits or cookies. Spinach is also very rich in vitamins A and C. So the overall health of the cat will improve a lot. Cats are also very fond of milk.

Conclusion – Will Cat Food Shortage Happen in 2023? 

You don’t have to worry about the shortage of cat food that much as there’s so much you can do from your kitchen. But if you are someone who is very lazy and doesn’t like cooking, then you have the option of buying cat food at higher prices. Cooking for your cat doesn’t include a lot of cooking. 

You can do that much for your dear cat as a cat owner. One thing you must understand is the fact that it will take some time for these problems to be solved. 

Supply chain and other issues like raw material deficiency are difficult to overcome. This is why you must understand that patience is the key. Until they make your kitchen your best friend, your pet will be happy, and you will also save a lot of your money.